Token Listing

Get your token whitelisted on Kodo

veKODO holders decide which liquidity pools receive emissions by voting on their preferred liquidity pool gauges. While Kodo allows permissionless pool creation, only whitelisted tokens can be included in permissionless gauge creation for a pool. Whitelisting your token on Kodo offers:

  • Your token's logo in the UI for easy trading.

  • Gauge creation to unlock all Kodo's features, including voting, bribing, and emissions rewards.

  • Eligibility for Kodo's liquidity incentive program.

Token Listing on Kodo

To whitelist a token, submit a listing request. As an alternative, open a ticket on Kodo Discord to get our support.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The token contract must be verified.

  2. The token must be paired with ETH/Stablecoins or KODO, our native token.

Submission Details

  1. Verified token contract address.

  2. Token logo (SVG or PNG, 128x128 or 256x256 preferred).

  3. Description of the contract, any minting, and admin functions, including their necessity and misuse protection.

  4. Description of token's current and future distribution, including community vs. team ownership, total holders, and holder distribution.

  5. Incentivization plan of how to distribute tokens via voting incentives (optional).

  6. Links to the project, GitHub repo or docs .

  7. Telegram handle for team communication.

Emergency Council

Requirements for whitelisting are critical to ensuring that our protocol cannot be exploited by actors attempting to game emissions.

To support the health of the protocol and ecosystem, the Emergency Council (a Curve-esque Emergency DAO) will have the right to disable hostile gauges.

The Emergency Council will initially consist of Kodo team members and members from within the Taiko community.

Permissionless Listing Soon™

A permissionless whitelisting on-chain governance process will be implemented in the future, pending required on-chain governance infrastructure on Taiko.

Last updated